What is Non-Stick Coating?

What is Non-Stick Coating?

As the name suggests, a non-stick coating is a layer which is added to a variety of different surfaces in order to reduce both friction and adhesion properties. A non-stick coating needs to have anti-stick properties as well as non-wetting properties and lubrication properties. A number of different non-stick agents can be used to achieve these effects, depending on the end use of the coated item.

How Does a Non-Stick Coating Work?

Most modern non-stick coatings contain a high concentration of fluorine (fluoropolymers) which will lower the tension of the surface it is applied to. By lowering the “surface tension” most things that come into contact with that surface will not adhere or stick to it.

Which is Better, Ceramic or Fluoropolymer Non-Stick?

The end-purpose of the item under consideration, as well as cost, is usually the determining factor in deciding which surface type is going to be most appropriate. Ceramic coatings offer state-of-the-art protection, but the long-term performance is less clear than when a traditional fluoropolymer non-stick coating is utilized.

Is Ceramic Coating Non-Stick?

Advances in nanotechnology have resulted in the creation of ceramic-based compounds which can be applied to surfaces in order to achieve a non-stick effect. In the right circumstances, a ceramic coating is, therefore, a non-stick coating, albeit not one of the traditional coatings used when a non-stick surface is required. Less research is available on the long-term effectiveness of ceramic coatings, as the technology is still relatively new.